Singing Guide: Graham Lyle
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
If you want to learn how to sing like Graham Lyle, it's important to note that his unique vocal technique involves a mixture of country and pop styles, with a focus on storytelling and emotive delivery. Here are some practical steps and Singing Carrots resources to help you develop your own singing skills and learn to sing like Graham Lyle:
Start by analyzing your current voice using this Singing Carrots article: How to analyze your voice. This will help you identify areas where you need improvement.
Understand your vocal range and voice type to help you choose appropriate songs and exercises with the Singing Carrots Vocal range test and vocal types articles: Vocal range test and Voice types.
Improve your breathing, which is a crucial element of singing, with Singing Carrots articles such as Breathing basics and Breath support. This will help you deliver powerful and sustained notes, as well as improve your overall vocal control.
Focus on your vocal registers and voice break with the Voice registers & vocal break article. This will help you transition smoothly between different registers of your voice and avoid voice strain.
Make sure to keep your mouth and throat open while singing to produce a fuller, richer sound with Singing Carrots articles such as Why to open mouth and throat while singing and Resonance in singing.
Practice warm-ups, pitch training, and pitch accuracy with Singing Carrots Pitch Training. The Ping Pong game in the game section can also help you be more accurate in pitch.
Pay attention to your song choice and how you learn songs with the Singing Carrots article on How to learn a song effectively. When singing like Graham Lyle, it's important to choose songs that tell a story and that fit with his style and vocal range.
Incorporate exercises that emulate Lyle's technique such as Chest Voice and Mixed Voice tutorial exercises which can be found in this Singing Comfort Zone Video Tutorial.
Additionally, the tones of both his pop and country song styles might be useful for understanding different genres. Singing Carrots has a good collection of songs that can be sorted by Vocal Range and difficulty together with links to their lyrics and Youtube audio. The Song search feature can help you find songs that fit your vocal range and his songbook might give you a sense of his song selection.
Don't forget to take care of your vocal health with the Singing Carrots Vocal Health Article and maintain good posture according to How posture affects your singing.
By following these steps and using Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn how to sing like Graham Lyle and develop your own unique singing style and technique.